Sur La Table
Tuesday Morning
Jo-Ann's Fabric
Comments equal giveaway entries, so the more comments you make on this post according to the rules below, the more chances you will have to win! Please remember to include which gift card you would like in at least one of your comments.
To enter this blogoversary giveaway:
- Become a follower and leave a comment on this post letting me know that you are a new follower.
- If you're already a follower just leave a comment on this post letting me know that you are and tell me your favorite and baby makes three... post.
- Add my button to your blog or if you already have, leave a comment on this post letting me know that you did.
- Invite your friends to follow and if they become a follower you get 1 extra comment per friend (just leave a comment on this post letting me know your friend is now a follower too).
- If you were invited by a friend and become a follower, leave a comment on this post and this will enter you in the giveaway too!
- Post a link of this giveaway on your blog, Twitter, Facebook, etc and leave a comment on this post with the URL.
This giveaway will end at midnight August 23rd 2010 and the winner will be announced on August 24th. Please make sure to stop by on August 24th, to see if you're the lucky winner. The winner will have 5 days to claim their gift card by contacting me through my "contact me" button. You can also contact me in advance through my "contact me" button if you would like me to email you, if you are the lucky winner.
Good Luck!

I'm a new follower!
If I were to win, could you please email me? My address is mami2jcn at gmail dot com
Thank you!
I'm a new follower.
hewella1 at gmail dot com
I'm a follower and my fav post was Maribel's Roaring 20's Party...love all the red and black....seems like so much fun!
Of course I'm a follower!!
My favorite post is JD's Carnival Party...actually anything associated with JD's carnival party, since that has given me the inspiration for Coop's party!!!
Button, button, I have a button!!
Can you tell I really want to win??? ;)
Ok, Ok, I blogged about ya too!
New follower here.Wow,you sure are awesome for having such a generous giveaway! Very nice of you,really!!!
I follow you and tweeted
I know I'm family but I still want a gift card but if I do win can I get 2 gift cards with $25 in each, he-he. You know I love every post especially of the food and Julian.
Hi Adri! im very new at this blogging buisness but im became a a blogger and a follower because of my sis and u!
i love your pics,ideas, and ur whole outlook on life!! keep up the great work! someday i will be a great cook like u and your dad!!! =)
Love ya
I love this blog.....greatest blog ever!!!!
I'm a new follower via GFC. ID: lyndadawinda1074
I'd be interested in the Amazon.com Gift card/Code.
lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com
I blogged about this giveaway and posted here:
lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com
I tweeted
lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com
I'm a Follower! hehehe....love all your posts, especially JD's carnival party. I appreciate the fact that your creative and have your own ideas....thanks for sharing:)
I am follower. Loved the carnival post, super cute ideas!
I am follower .... loved the carnival theme party blog.. loved all the creative surprises you had for everyone there.. and yes including the adults..
I have added your button to my blog... thanks again for sharing all your wonderful ideas and how to be as creative as you are... thanks for all the tips..
I am a follower.. I especially love the cook's challenge blog you post.. shows just how simple cooking can be and not to be scared of the kitchens and the utensils in it.. lol!!!
I have posted your link on my facebook and shared it with my friends. www.facebook.com/iselaraya
I'm a new follower
Posted and shared on FB@tcarolinep JessieKatie S.
Cute site! Found you on Bloggy Moms "Grab my Button." Your button is on my site, www.minimalmom.net and I follow you on FB (Cambria Copeland) and Twitter @minimalmom
i am a new follower
aznhanavira at gmail dot com
Happy anniversary! I'm your newest follower!
Hi there, I'm your newest follower visiting from Toddler Talk Thursday!
New follower from Toddler Talk Thursday!
I added your button to my blog :)
Hey! Newly following! Thanks for your kind words over on my little blog {behind the camera and dreaming}BONUS: I came over and found a GIVEAWAY! o happy day!
ENTRY #1- I'm your newest follower and I hope a win because Aug. 24 is my 35th birthday and I would LOVE an Amazon.com gift card for my birthday!
ENTRY #2: I grabbed your cute blog button and put it on my blog roll on the left sidebar! My 35th birthday is on Aug. 24 and I would LOVE to win an Amazon.com gift card for my birthday!
I am a new follower!!
ENTRY #3: I just blogged about your giveaway on my blog here: http://asliceofsmithlife.blogspot.com/2010/08/and-baby-makes-three-blogversary-50.html
I included your giveaway post from my blog on the Bloggy Moms "Rockin Bloggers" posts. :)
I hope I win since you will picking the winner on my 35th Birthday! I would LOVE to win the gift card from Amazon.com for my birthday! Thanks for hosting!
PS: I voted for you on the Picket Fence button and on the Mommy Blog button!
Tracy at A Slice of Smith Life
I'm a new follower!
I'm a new follower too!
Can this be my favorite post, because I love it! I can't tell you how much I would love to win. I have three in diapers, so you know how that Target gift card would be spent!
I added your button to my blog roll!
I am a new follower! Thanks so much for the super generous giveaway :)
Ten Talents
stephanierosenhahn at yahoo dot com
link: http://twitter.com/asthepotter/status/21886040144
stephanierosenhahn at yahoo dot com
Shared on FB!
link: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/StephanieRosenhahn?v=wall&story_fbid=152771741402599
stephanierosenhahn at yahoo dot com
Your button is on my blogroll @ Ten Talents -- www.sweetsavingsincolorado.blogspot.com
Blogged about giveaway!
link: http://sweetsavingsincolorado.blogspot.com/2010/08/low-entries-ends-tomorrow-50-gc.html
stephanierosenhahn at yahoo dot com
I am a new follower too!
jerry at jerrygilreath dot com
gfc follower
rmartinclarke at gmail dot com
My friend Giselle/freeandfantastic is a follower too
rmartinclarke at gmail dot com
My friend R.M.C is now a follower
rmartinclarke at gmail dot com
tweeted: http://twitter.com/JerryGilreath/status/21887644826
I am a new follower @desmoinesdealin scg00387 at yahoo dot com
http://twitter.com/DesMoinesDealin/status/21887694374 scg00387 at yahoo dot com
New follower!
prendalestelle (@) live (.) com
my friend Mzi Sankara is now a follower
rmartinclarke at gmail dot com
new follower
rmartinclarke at gmail dot com
invited by ten talents
New follower via google friend connect. (shay)
Thanks and happy 1st Anniverary!
I'm a new follower.
heidikittelson @ gmail dot com
I have your button on my blog
Tweet: http://twitter.com/hkittelson/status/21888078863
heidikittelson @ gmail dot com
I just became a new follower via GFC/Blogger. I follow as Shawna OBrien.
I have your button on my blog (bottom part of my homepage)
I tweeted
I'm also now following you on Twitter.
Following on Twitter
I am a new follower!
Google Friend Connect(ed)
Thanks for the giveaway.
Don't have blog..Facebook mention ok?
Tweet! http://twitter.com/lexiquin/status/21888970093
Im now a follow! Congrats on your blobiversary!
I clicked on the link to share this post on Facebook. I'm not sure if this is the right link--but it's what was in the address bar after I posted
I am a new follower!!
jenn14_85 at yahoo dot com
This doesn't count as a contest entry (sorry, you'll have to delete), but I realized I didn't post which gift card I'd like to receive (as the instructions dictated)...If I win, I'd prefer the Target gift card. Thank you (and I apologize for the inconvenience)
Shared on my fb
I'm a new GFC Follower
I am a new follower!
chitownchicas at gmail dot com
I was sent over by Ten Talents and would love to win a GC to Target!
chitownchicas at gmail.com
I Blogged
Your button is on my blog @
Im a new follower via GFC.
Chelsei Ryan
I would choose Target.
Please Email Me if I Win.
My friends at Ten Talents sent me to your blog!
I'm a new follower!
If I won I would take the Target gift card!
ohiochik28 at yahoo dot com
New Follower
I am a new follower :)
Ten Talents invited me over.
I tweeted!
I am a new follower
I love the Pink Love Bus t-shirt! Adorable!
I am a New Follower from Stephanie at Ten Talents!
put your button on my blog: www.theknitwitbyshair@hotmail.com
referred my friend "Kady", and she became a new follower
I follow via GFC, and would choose target
Please email me if I win :-)
~eunice b
tigergal01 @gmail .com
~eunice b
tigergal01 @gmail .com
i was invited by ten talents
~eunice b
tigergal01 @gmail .com
I'm a new follower today!
I'm a follower on Twitter, I like the Aquarium of the pacific post
Following via GFC
I am a follower!
mommyminded at gmail dot com
Ten Talnets sent me!
mommyminded at gmail dot com
I am a new follower and I would pick a gc to Target! tracietrump@yahoo.com
Hi! I am a new follower. I really love your blog layout and color scheme. I like how you picture frames coordinate with your blog background. very cool!
im newly following on gfc
I'm a new follower!
We would love the giftcard to Babies R Us to help with some of the baby stuff we need for our new little girl on the way :)
I am a new follower. Would love the Target giftcard.
New blog follower
Beth Willis - bethwillis01@gmail.com -Referred Me
My friend- Chris- chrissatko7@gmail.com became a new follower
I am a new follower and I would love to have the target gift card.
Congrast! I am your newest follower. leandrea246(at)hotmail(dot)com
I am a follower, and like your cooking post alot but I guess JD's carnival party was the fav post.
I am your newest follower and would love to win this! Thanks for the giveaway.
frugalracingfanmommy at gmail dot com
I am a new follower
New follower (Lona728) and would love to win this for Amazon.com
Lona728@ yahoo dot com
I'm a new follower. angiewith3 at live dot com
I'm a new google friend connect follower. WhooHoo!
reducefootprints at gmail dot com
tweeted giveaway: http://twitter.com/angiewith3/status/21944447544
angiewith3 at live dot com
I stumbled this giveaway:
Oh ... I'd choose a card to Target (almost forgot this step). :)
reducefootprints at gmail dot com
I was invited by "allthingsnew" starting at comment 43 above. angiewith3 at live dot com
I'm your newest follower and I would love to win the Target Gift Card!
rachel_demill at yahoo dot com
I was referred by Stephanie from Top Ten Talents
rachel_demill at yahoo dot com
Congrats on your Blogoversary!
I am your 128th follower-jelaws5
thanks for the giveaway :)
Tweet! http://twitter.com/tobinsmommy08/status/21944995631
rachel_demille at yahoo dot com
http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fumeandbabymakesthree.blogspot.com%2F2010 on my fb page Julie Scott Laws
I have your button
rachel_demille at yahoo dot com
My friend Shairbearg is now a follower!
Ten Talents
stephanierosenhahn at yahoo dot com
I am a new blog follower:) Please enter me in your giveaway. Thanks!
Letherton is now a new follower from Ten Talents!
stephanierosenhahn at yahoo dot com
My Name Means Wisdom is now a new follower from Ten Talents!
stephanierosenhahn at yahoo dot com
I tweeted:)
chelsei is now a new follower from Ten Talents!
stephanierosenhahn at yahoo dot com
I these crazy kids is now a new follower from Ten Talents!
stephanierosenhahn at yahoo dot com
Megan is now a new follower from Ten Talents!
stephanierosenhahn at yahoo dot com
I am a new follower
username is cherdon
Shared this giveaway on FB
I am a new follower your blog via GFC
Heather R
I tweeted about your giveaway:
Heather R
I am a new follower
bwirth1974 at gmail dot com
bwirth1974 at gmail dot com
Following the blog via GFC.
I'm a new GFC follower who would love a gift card to Amazon!
jennyjoz24 (at) hotmail.com
I am a new follower. I'd choose a gift card to Amazon.com
jswaks at gmail dot com
I newly follow on GFC ( hannah . chrinahxxx@..)
aigcanada7 (at) hotmail [dot] com
Im a new follower via GFC..I would love to win the amazon.com card! karasceviour at hotmail dot com
follow via GFC :) (just joined)
tristatecruisers at yahoo dot com
I am a new follower. I would love to win the gift card to Home Goods. Such a fun store.
I'm a new follower. I'd pick the Target gift card if I won.
bwirth1974 at gmail dot com
Congrats on your anniversary. I am a new follower and I put your button on my blog and I also am following you on twitter.
bwirth1974 at gmail dot com
bwirth1974 at gmail dot com
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