A couple of weeks ago when I took JD to his first dentist appointment we ran into a small little problem, JD didn't want to leave the office waiting room! He was absolutely enthralled with their LEGO table and threw a fit when it was time to go home. Well that afternoon I decided to Google LEGO tables and was so disappointed to see they were any where from $80-$300! A few days later (after JD kept mentioning "LEGO, Dentista") I Googgled how to make a LEGO table and you'll never guess what popped up, IKEA Hackers LACK LEGO Table and I was immediately inspired to make JD his very own LEGO table. Here is how I did it.
- IKEA LACK Side Table $9.99 (my mom actually had one laying around the house)
- LEGO Duplo Green Building Plate (15" X 15") $16.99
Things we had around the house:
- Earthquake Putty
- Two Wall Hooks
- Liquid Nails Adhesive
- Two Tin Buckets
I attached the LEGO base plate to the table with Earthquake Putty
then attached 2 hooks to the bottom of the table with liquid nails adhesive
and once the liquid nails adhesive dried (1 hour to dry, 8 hours to cure) I placed one bucket on each hook and filled them with Duplo LEGOS
He loves it!

This is seriously a very cool idea!! Love the hanging buckets. We have a lego table from TRU (Christmas present from Grandma) and the drawer basket always break because the kids hang on them! Now I know what to do when they break for good!!!
Thank you! Once I finished the table, I thought where is he going to keep the legos; so that's when I started grabbing random things from around the house! LOL
I really, really, really like this idea!! You know I have to print and put in my file. for my daycare. =) you did such a great job!!! Love it!!
Love this idea!! :) Thanks for sharing!
Love this!! I almost got my son a lego table for his birthday but I just think they look cheapy and I just wasn't a fan! lol But this... Wow! This is great! I will have to bookmark this and go to a thrift store and find us a cherry wood table! Thanks for sharing your creativity! :)
Thank you ladies!
Veronika, I thought the same thing, the only one I really liked was around $200, anything under $100 was plastic, so I thought why not just use what we have around the house and he loved it!
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