Monday, June 13, 2011

From Follower to Friend

I've been blogging for almost two years now and I have been through good days, bad days and sometimes all around I want to quit days; but Friday I finally felt like no matter what, it was all worth it!

After JD's 1st birthday party a wonderful women named Kristin contacted me for ideas for her son Coop's carnival birthday party, it turned out that we not only had a love for planning the perfect carnival party, but a lot of other common interest and we actually only live about 20 minutes away from each other. We started an online friendship, exchanged emails on a weekly basis and even recently met up at a local flea market!

Friday Kristin started a new weekly feature on her blog A Simple Klassic Home called "You Inspire Me" and my blog was her first feature! Although I was really honored to be featured, I was more honored to read how she felt about me and about our friendship; as I read her post it brought tears to my eyes not only because it was so sweet but because I feel the same way about her. Kristin is an amazing and creative busy mom of two, who definitely inspires me on a daily basis and I thank God that blogging has brought us together!

You can read our friendship story here!


  1. Aww you brought tears t MY eyes!! Our friendship definitely makes this whole blogging thing worth it. You have a treasured place in my heart. :)

  2. This was such a sweet and touching story!!!
