Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wordless{ish} Wednesday

JD picked out this Spiderman back-pack all by himself this weekend (he actually tried to leave the store with it) and since then he will not leave the house without it!


  1. Awww, he's all ready for school Mama! Just a couple of years early! :)

  2. Kristin, I think so too! He even made his dad get it down from the car when they went to Wilderness Park.

  3. Look at him, I want to know what he has in his rolling back pack.. you know me i like digging in purses, packs. He is all independent! My how time flies.. Adri you have to listen to the song "Never Grow Up" from Taylor Swift.. It made me think of our little guys and how fast they are growing up. =(

  4. Ready for school already; why do they want to grow up so fast?
