Thursday, September 30, 2010

Halloween is almost here...

Halloween is only a month away, which means I've been hard at work looking for JD's costume. Last year I bought JD an adorable Tom Arma Monkey Costume and although we were both sick on Halloween we did manage to get a few really cute portraits in his costume a couple of weeks before! This year JD is not only walking, but running (running wild) and cute and cuddly just doesn't seem to fit his personalty anymore. So I thought long and hard and after talking it over with the hubby, we finally decided on a costume; a very well known Disney villain costume! I just can't wait to see our little “buccaneer” running around this Halloween. Can you guess who JD is going to be for Halloween?

Here's a clue:


  1. I was looking at that costume the other day at D-Land. Buuut I let Coop choose, so guess which favorite COWBOY my son is going to be for Halloween! :)

  2. Capt. Hook from Peter Pan?!

  3. @Kristin, I'm guessing Woody, from Toy Story! @Veronika, you are so right, he's going to be Captain Hook!

  4. Aww so cute! Can't wait to see pics :)
